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Announcing "General Availability" for NGINX Proxy Manager / open-appsec WAF integration!

Christopher Lutat

open-appsec WAF integration for NGINX Proxy Manager was initially released at the end of 2023 allowing you to enable and configure free open-source, preemptive, machine-learning-based Threat Prevention and also monitor security events right from within the NGINX Proxy Manager WebUI and deploy everything easily with a single docker compose file.


Today we see a wide adaption in the NGINX Proxy Manager (NPM) community with a growing number of more than a half thousand NPM deployments protected with open-appsec WAF against known and unknown web attacks, targeting any of the exposed web applications.


Therefore, we are moving this integration to "General Availability" status given its proven stability and robustness.

Also, as requested by some members of the NGINX Proxy Manager community, our latest container images are now based on the "master" branch of (instead of the "develop" branch we used for the earlier releases).

In addition, a while ago we released an alternative option allowing you to manage open-appsec WAF for NGINX Proxy Manager using the central open-appsec Web UI (included as well in the free Community Edition of open-appsec WAF).

You can find our latest release of NPM with open-appsec WAF here on GitHub: Releases · openappsec/open-appsec-npm (At the time of creating this blog, our latest release is based on the latest NPM release version 2.12.2.)


Want to learn how to protect your NPM environment with open-appsec WAF? Step-by-step docs are available here: NGINX Proxy Manager Integration | open-appsec

You can also check out our dedicated Playground, where you can test this integration with NGINX Proxy Manager and many other integrations supported by open-appsec WAF effortlessly in a ready-to-use virtual lab environment:

Below you can find some example screenshots showing how this integration looks within the NPM Web UI in case you are not using it yet:

Activation and configuration of open-appsec WAF directly from NPM WebUI Proxy Host settings:

open-appsec WAF security log view and analytics from NPM WebUI:

If you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions for further improvements please let us know: 

We hope you continue to find this integration useful and valuable for protecting your Web Applications!


More info:

NGINX Proxy Manager project: Nginx Proxy Manager


To learn more about how open-appsec works, see this White Paper and the in-depth Video Tutorial. You can also experiment with deployment in the free Playground.

Experiment with open-appsec for Linux, Kubernetes or Kong using a free virtual lab

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